Wisdom Pills for Singles! (Marriage Guide) Vol. 3

Wisdom Pills for Singles! (Marriage Guide) Vol. 3

This volume presents deeper insight into relationship issues: “One Flesh, Not One Bone”, “Naked But Not Ashamed,”” Don’t Be Naked”, “Now the Serpent!” These topics will surely open your eyes!

One Flesh, Not One Bone!

“… and they two shall become one flesh”! Remember Adam said, “this is the bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” But in unity, they became one flesh and not one bone! What’s the implication of that? It simply means that even though you are one with your spouse, your bones are not fused together! You both still have different thoughts! Which is why there must be good communication in the home, your spouse can’t read your mind explicitly! Wrong assumptions ruin relationships! Don’t say he or she is supposed to know! You both need to communicate effectively! You are one flesh and not one bone! (Genesis 2:24)

Naked but Not Ashamed!

“and they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” Of, course a man and his wife should not be ashamed to see their own nakedness! Otherwise, why are they married? But the kind of nakedness depicted here shows their level of simplicity and obedience to God. In marriage it depicts transparency! The husband and the wife must be opened to each other, no deceit, no secrecy! Remember this was the marriage Jesus while addressing the issues of divorce was referring to when he said, “in the beginning it was not so”! My dear Single, if you are not ready to be transparent to your spouse, then please remain Single! (Genesis 2:25)

Don’t Be Naked!

Though you were born naked… You don’t have to walk the street naked! Lots of young people today are parading the street in seductive attires all in the name of fashion or hunting for a spouse! Listen, the way you dressed, is the way you will be addressed! Adam and his wife were naked because they had no clothes! Besides, they were just two in the garden with the rest of the animals. Dress decently to cover your nakedness! Don’t post semi-nude pictures on social media! Don’t lose your self’s worth and dignity while trying to win the approval of others! A word is enough for the wise! (Still on Gen. 2: 25)

Now the Serpent (Part 1)

Adam and his wife were living happily in the garden until the Serpent (Satan) showed up! The woman yielded to the deceit of the devil, she disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, her husband too was deceived, and they both fell into sin! Come to think of it; the Serpent never showed up in the garden until the woman was created! The devil didn’t get Adam until he got married! Satan is still in the business of attacking homes! The devil’s greatest weapon is DECEIT, he never forced the Woman, all he did was to start a conversation and offer suggestion! Unfortunately, the woman didn’t get God’s instructions right. It is not enough to listen to sermons! Study the BIBLE yourself and get it RIGHT …to be continued (Genesis 3)

Now the Serpent (Part 2)

See exactly what got the woman down in the garden: “When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it”- Gen 3:6. Let me connect it with 1 John 2:16 to see the similarity. “For all that is in the world, the lust of the FLESH, and the lust of the EYES, and the PRIDE OF LIFE is not of the Father but is of the world.” The same formula the Devil used in the garden, He is still using till date, He tried the same formula with Jesus, but failed! Don’t allow the Devil to deceive you with the LUST OF THE FLESH, the LUST OF THE EYES & the PRIDE OF LIFE! Be wise!

God bless you!

To be continued in Volume 4

Written by:
Paul Ojomu


Wisdom Pills for Singles! (Marriage Guide) Vol. 2

Wisdom Pills for Singles! (Marriage Guide) Vol. 2

Wisdom Pills for Singles! (Marriage Guide) Vol. 2

Here, you will find words of wisdom that will guide you as Singles and young couples! What do you look for in a relationship? How is the man differ from a woman in marriage? Find out and many more in these short articles!

Mr Bones!

After God created the woman, He brought her to Adam. Guess what Adam saw first!

Her bones!!! Are you kidding me Adam?  Hear what he said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.” Adam didn’t focus all his attention on just the beauty in her flesh alone but also on her skeletal makeup! Her inner frame! Her inner strength! Bros, when you look at a woman do you pay attention to her inner makeup at all?  (Read Gen. 2: 22-23)

Content vs Container

Adam did not just see the woman from the flesh only. Adam paid attention to the content before the container! Listen, we are Spirits, living inside a body! So, the real YOU is not defined by your outward look, but your inner being! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should disregard your body, but what I’m saying is that “a product is not defined by its container but by its content.” What makes Coke different from Fanta is not the shape, color, or size of the bottle (CONTAINER), it is the CONTENT! Read Gen. 2: 22-23

She Shall Be Called WOMAN!

Interesting! Adam gave names to all animals. But named his wife, “woman.” What a beautiful descriptive name!

If you are single and searching, may you discover your WOMAN in Jesus name!

Adam called her woman, meaning she was taken out of man! What does that really mean? It means the feminine version of man or simply, she-man or womb-man. That implies that the Woman is never in anyway inferior to the Man!!! So, Men, respect Women! No to Gender Inequalities! (Genesis 2:23)

The Man is to Live His Father & Mother!

know this before you get married!

Oh, you think it should be the woman? The bibles say “therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife…” Yes, you heard it right! The man must disconnect from his parents and be fully connected to his wife! Leaving, before Cleaving! Bro, you are not that mummy’s baby anymore, cos marriage is for Men and not for Boys! You’ve got to be matured to manage your own home according to the leading of the master planner; God! Don’t sell your spouse to your parents! Cos you are now one with her! She’s the most important person in your life; Same is true for the woman too!  Genesis 2:24

God bless you!

To be continued in Volume 3

Written by:
Paul Ojomu



Wisdom Pills for Singles! (Marriage Guide) Vol. 1

Wisdom Pills for Singles! (Marriage Guide) Vol. 1

Wisdom Pills for Singles! (Marriage Guide) Vol. 1

These are various short articles written to guide youths especially singles on their marital journey. They are points that require deeper reflections! I hope they will bless your life.

Mind What You Eat!

“It is not everything that looks like food that is edible!”

Remember Adam & Eve! (Read Gen 2:15-17)

Don’t do what God ask you not to do!

Be wise!

That’s the Pill for today!

Love U!


Get This Right Before Marriage 

If you don’t have anything doing, then you don’t need a “help meet.”

Adam had an assignment in the garden before a woman was introduced to her!

Bro, what are you doing? What’s your vision?

Sister, don’t follow a man that has no vision for his life!

(Bible passage: Genesis 2:8-17)


Marriage: Whose Idea?

It was God that said, “it is not good that man should be alone.”

So, Marriage was God’s Idea! He’s the author!

He created you, so, He knows what is right and best for you,

Wisdom demands that you allow Him to lead you in your choice of a life partner!

(Read Genesis 2: 18)


The Ultimate Search

Adam was searching for a wife among the animals while naming them

but he couldn’t get one! The bible Says there was no one comparable to him! He was searching for a “woman” among the animals! (Read Genesis 2: 18-20 NKJV).

Stop searching for a spouse in a wrong place!

To get the right person: there are conditions attached… wait for the next pill to learn more!


Need a Wife? You need to SLEEP!

Start from pill 4…  When Adam couldn’t find a woman among the animals, God caused him to SLEEP!

“If you don’t sleep, you can’t get the right spouse.” Of course, I’m not referring to physical sleep!

You need to “sleep” in absolute surrender to God! You don’t depend on your outward feelings! But on your inner eyes and inner convictions! (applicable to ladies too). Study Genesis 2: 21-22. Continue in Pill 6.


The Making of The Woman!

While Adam was asleep, God took a rib from him and formed a woman from it!

Why didn’t God create the woman from the dust like He did for Adam, God didn’t create

The female Animals from the male. God used the man’s rib to show that the man and the woman are two halves of a whole. So, the woman can perfectly feet as a “help Meet” for him.

To have a peaceful home, you must marry your “second half.”  Prov 19:14 says “Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.” (Further reading: Gen. 2: 21-22)

To be continued in Volume 2

Written by:
Paul Ojomu



Seeds of Destiny 11 September 2018 Daily Devotional

DCLM Daily Manna 6 September 2018 – A Two-In-One Relationship

DCLM Daily Manna 6 September 2018 – A Two-In-One Relationship

Topic: A Two-In-One Relationship [DCLM Daily Manna 6 September 2018 Daily Devotional]
Text: Matthew 19:1-12 (KJV)

Key Verse: “But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given“ (Matthew 19:11).


Jesus, in His early ministry, esteemed teachings about the kingdom of God. Aside from using this medium to draw men to God, He needed to show forth the true perspectives of the kingdom.

The text today lays emphasis on the institution of marriage in relation to the question of divorce. The question the Pharisees asked Jesus about divorce, therefore, orchestrates from a mischievous perspective. Jesus, in response, made them aware that if marriage would indeed align with the perfect will of God, it must be according to God’s design of a two-in-one relationship (Matthew 19:6). The Pharisees justified their question by referring to Moses’ injunction that a man could give his wife “a bill of divorcement” if she no longer found his favours due to uncleanness (Deuteronomy 24:1). But Jesus overruled this because that was not in the original plan of God. Moses did this because the people hardened their hearts. God planned that the husband and the wife are to be one flesh (Matthew 19:6).

From Jesus’ teaching, marriage is a union of sacrificial love, longsuffering and reciprocal dealings. Divorce is a product of bitterness and no bitter person will inherit the kingdom of God.

Marriage is a true reflection of the union between Christ and His Bride, the Church. Believing couples who are products of godly marriage must not divorce each other, irrespective of offences.

Thought For The Day: The Christian home is an abode of rest, not turmoil.

Bible Reading In One Year: Ezekiel 32-34

DCLM Daily Manna was written by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi; is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church situated at KM 42 on the busy Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria.


Healthy Relationships

Healthy Relationships

Communication is a key part to building a healthy relationship. The first step is making sure you both want and expect the same things—being on the same page is very important. The following tips can help you create and maintain a healthy relationship:

Speak Up. In a healthy relationship, if something is bothering you, it’s best to talk about it instead of holding it in.
Respect Your Partner. Your partner’s wishes and feelings have value. Let your significant other know you are making an effort to keep their ideas in mind. Mutual respect is essential in maintaining healthy relationships.
Compromise. Disagreements are a natural part of healthy relationships, but it’s important that you find a way to compromise if you disagree on something. Try to solve conflicts in a fair and rational way.
Be Supportive. Offer reassurance and encouragement to your partner. Also, let your partner know when you need their support. Healthy relationships are about building each other up, not putting each other down.
Respect Each Other’s Privacy. Just because you’re in a relationship, doesn’t mean you have to share everything and constantly be together. Healthy relationships require space.

Healthy Boundaries
Creating boundaries is a good way to keep your relationship healthy and secure. By setting boundaries together, you can both have a deeper understanding of the type of relationship that you and your partner want. Boundaries are not meant to make you feel trapped or like you’re “walking on eggshells.” Creating boundaries is not a sign of secrecy or distrust — it’s an expression of what makes you feel comfortable and what you would like or not like to happen within the relationship.

Remember, healthy boundaries shouldn’t restrict your ability to:

Go out with your friends without your partner.
Participate in activities and hobbies you like.
Not have to share passwords to your email, social media accounts or phone.
Respect each other’s individual likes and needs.
Healthy Relationship Boosters
Even healthy relationships can use a boost now and then. You may need a boost if you feel disconnected from your partner or like the relationship has gotten stale. If so, find a fun, simple activity you both enjoy, like going on a walk, and talk about the reasons why you want to be in the relationship. Then, keep using healthy behaviors as you continue dating.

If you’re single (and especially if you’re a single parent), don’t worry if you need a boost too! Being single can be the best and worst feeling, but remember relationships don’t just include your significant other and you. Think about all the great times you’ve had with your parents, siblings, friends, children, other family members, etc..

Try going out with the people you love and care about the most — watch movies together, go out to eat, take a day off from your busy life and just enjoy being you! If it helps, also talk about your feelings about the relationships in your life. If you just want them to listen, start by telling them that. Then ask what makes relationships good and what makes them bad