by dailyd | Nov 7, 2018 | Relationship
When the value of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable! Your value will determine your price tag! Every girl must read this before saying YES I do. .
First on the list is the fact that we women are not emergency creations. We are part of the plan from the inception when God said “let us make man in our image”. Male and female created He them. We are originally created by God and formed from the same source. Our production date on earth is what varies. Adam first, Eve followed.know your worth
The Bible never said that women are priceless. It clearly states that our price is far above rubies. (Pro 31:10). The worth of rubies is not in the name but in the content which is precious, of value, and rare. Women are virtuous because our Creation, Formation, and Content determine the success, prosperity, duration, fulfilment, length and breadth of greatness and life of any man who possesses us.
Rubies are very valuable, still they can be gotten with money. Our price as virtuous women is not what money can buy, yet there is a Price Tag hanging on us. Every man who wants to marry a virtuous woman must pay that Price. Our Price is the same, although the duration of payment can be long. It depends on the Man.
Transaction in Heaven is not done with money. Access to Heaven is not by financial payment. Salvation is free but not free. It is done with The Blood of the Lamb, Jesus. Thus, For God to give His Daughter to any man regardless of his financial status and position he must pay the Price. We are meant for the richest men. Hmmmm.
In essence, any man that will receive us from God must Know our God, Believe in our God, Walk with our God (most times, father in laws tell about their daughters to their son in laws when they spend time together and go for walk together), Draw close to our God, Serve the purpose of our God and Be His Son (That is the richest man. He who has God has everything we need). This is because a man who is neither a friend of God nor His son cannot understand us, cannot appreciate us and cannot value our Creation, Formation and our Content as helpers, supporters, builders, completers, and image of God who makes things happen. We’re so special.
Any man who claims to give us his heart without paying the Price is a deceiver. Any man who will have the virtuous lady must, first of all, give his heart totally to God and Observe His ways (Pro 23:26). It is now left for God to direct his heart to a safe direction where he can be fulfilled through collaboration with the divine helper Pro 21:1-2 (virtuous woman). The first person to consult when searching for a Life Partner is God.
If we as women fail to give our hearts to God, God cannot allow us to help his son (that explains why sometimes God delays His son’s prayer for a life partner because He hasn’t found the Right heart for him). God cannot trust the destiny of His son to the hands of an untried, unreformed, untested, unpurified, un-renewed hearts of a woman. Women, let’s draw close to God for Real.
When God gives we, His Daughters to His sons, it is not a Gift neither is it a charity organization activity, but He gives us to His sons as His property to be cared for, valued, nourished, protected, account for and be responsible for (Pro 18:22). Any man who fails God in carrying out these responsibilities hinders his own prayers. You cannot maltreat the princess and expect the King to grant your request. He who maltreat God’s daughter incurs God’s wrath. We are so special.
God who puts a Price tag on us did that for His Kingdom expansion purpose and for our highest safety and security. When God give us His sons, He wants us to work with them and make their visions evidently visible, affect life positively and expand His Kingdom. We cannot expand God’s kingdom when we go against His will and make the devil our father in law. May God help us. Don’t marry anybody anyhow!.
Truly the man is the head, but we the women determine the status of that head in life. We the virtuous women are Crowns on our husband’s head, but the other women are thorns in his flesh, a rottenness in his bone. So all run in a race but only one gets the crown. Some men don’t wear crowns because NOT ALL OF THEM CAN CONTROL THEIR BODY AND DESIRES TO BE PATIENT AND PAY THE PRICE FOR THE CROWN. We can’t afford to marry lazy men. Hmmmm.
.(Check other stories and inspirational articles on this blog: Who is Right for Me? THE MARRIAGE SHOE (Single & Searching Series), Single & Pregnant, Sex and Feelings, 4 things you MUST know before getting married e.t.c go to the home page or scroll down to see some other articles) Remember to drop your comment.….continue reading
My fellow virtuous women, let’s go for the men who have paid the Price. If he is not saved he is not safe. And the fact that he is saved doesn’t mean he is made for you; he might not have your packages. Let God appoint His son who will be your King. Let’s make our men proud of us. Let’s avoid idleness. Get understanding, get wisdom, and get knowledge. To the married women, discover your purpose in that home. When the purpose of an existence is not known, abuse is inevitable. Love your God through undivided Love to your husband and your seeds. Win souls for God through your Union. End of discussion.
By: Shola Abayomi,
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Single and Virtuous – a must read for ladies
by dailyd | Nov 6, 2018 | Relationship
I’ve seen lots of young guys and girls gone through emotional stress and torture because of a broken relationship.
It is often said that a broken engagement is better than a broken marriage, true as that may sound, it’s not equally a palatable experience. The hurt is often so intense (depending on the length of the relationship and commitment) that it leads to mental instability in some people and in extreme cases has led to suicide.unbreak my heart
Several tips may help deal with a broken relationship (courtship) as singles, but the greatest cure is the power of God, Mechanics can fix a broken engine, Doctors can sometimes fix a broken bone, IT professionals can fix a broken computer, but only God can fix a broken heart! He is the maker, so it’s simple for Him to do the mending! Time may help in the healing, but complete and total recovery with forgiveness is only achievable by the power of the Holy Spirit!
If you are currently passing through the pains of a broken relationship; you’ve been jilted, cheated, dumped, deceived and manipulated, I want to announce to you that there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel. The bible says there is hope for a tree, even if its cut down, as long as the root is still inside the ground, at the smell of water, it will spring out again!, Cheer up, when there is life there is hope! You don’t have to admit that your world has crumbled, you are still very complete! (With Christ, you are complete in Him)
The guy/girl that disappointed you is simply not for you! God has the best for you, it’s a matter of time, you will have your own home
.(Check other stories and inspirational articles on this blog: Who is Right for Me? THE MARRIAGE SHOE (Single & Searching Series), Single & Pregnant, Sex and Feelings, 4 things you MUST know before getting married e.t.c go to the home page or scroll down to see some other articles) Remember to drop your comment.….continue reading
The following tips will help further.
- Don’t deny what has happened, accept the fact and face it in good faith.
- know that it’s ok to feel bad about the whole thing, express your emotions rather than bottling it up.
- Don’t go through it alone, talk to your good friends, family and your pastor about it, they can really be of help in times like this.
- Refuse to go into depression, sing your favorite songs, songs of praise, make melodies in your heart and don’t allow anyone steal your joy!
- Don’t dwell on negative thoughts
- Encourage yourself and speak positively
- Try to avoid the person for the time been if possible, until your heart is healed!
- Surround yourself with people that truly love you.
- Find out what might have gone wrong in the relationship, do a thorough, objective analysis, if you find out you were wrong, learn from it, and forgive yourself but if you believe your partner was wrong, don’t hate him/her, rather forgive him/her and know that you were not meant for each other.
- Stop calling him/her like you do before when you two were engaged.
- Stop asking people or following up on social media about him/her to know his/her next move.
- Get more committed to God, take part in your church activities, stay positive and act positive, the end of a relationship is not the end of life.Wish your ex well.
- Allow time to heal your heartbreak; don’t be in a rush to get someone else.
- Avoid the “no one is good syndrome”, open up yourself to meet new people; don’t conclude that all guys/girls are same. Don’t over generalise your experience,
- Engage in good exercise, it’s been proven that exercise helps to reduce stress by releasing serotonin, a chemical that is released whenever we are happy.
- Learn from your mistakes (we all make mistakes).
- Be more prayerful, cast all your worries on Jesus, seek to love Him more and more
- Remain a right person and expect to meet the right person.
- Take a good sleep.
- Don’t continue to brood and ruminate over the whole thing, it only aggravates your depression.
- Choose to be happy and move on with your life.
by Tramaine Hawkins
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Single and Virtuous – a must read for ladies
by dailyd | Oct 27, 2018 | Relationship
Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth [price, value] is far above rubies (Prov. 31:10)
A ruby is a precious stone or a high energy stone which is a type of sapphire and the leader of gems; but the worth of a woman of virtue is FAR ABOVE RUBIES!
Young women are today faced with the challenge of being virtuous. I mean look at the pressure that is surrounding the woman of today; crazy fashion, distorted definition of true beauty, peer pressure, broken hearts etc. Before I go any further, we may need to first define what virtue is. According to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, Virtue is behavior showing higher moral standards.
Precious stone cannot be found anywhere anyhow; you will have to search for it! Any young woman that wants to be a woman of virtue must be set aside, different from any common woman that can be found on the street! She must value herself like a precious stone with high moral standards and spirituality! You have a price tag that is far above rubies or any other precious stone! Just as it is not easy to find a precious tone, young men knows it’s not easy to find a virtuous woman.
Now let’s also take a look at a ‘virtuous wife’. She must have started from somewhere, I mean she didn’t just wake up and say “oh dear! Am married now, I should now be virtuous”. I looked at a portion of scripture when Isaac needed a wife, Rebecca was not found wanting because she was already a woman of virtue whilst still at her parents’ home, whilst still single! Read about what she did (Genesis 24vs 16-20).
You cannot pretend to be a virtuous woman for too long if you are not, it’s a matter of time, it will show and you will be found out! Take for instance; what is happening in most homes, a woman gets married, few weeks down the line her husband is complaining about her behavior! Saying “but she was taught just before marriage!” Hey it’s not just a matter of sitting someone down a month before marriage and teach her how to be virtuous, it is a long process that starts from somewhere long before. The book of Wisdom (Proverbs) says: “train up a child in the way he should go so that when he is grown he will not depart from it” This thing called ‘Virtue’ has to be instilled in children so that as they grow they don’t find themselves wanting in areas such as building value friendships, living in harmony with others, discipline, honest and the like.
Show me a woman who tore down her own home and I will show you a woman who did not learn to be virtuous in her singleness. I mean come on! You think you can be a proverbs 31 woman when you can’t even cook or hardworking? I don’t mean to sound harsh but bring out the hard reality of things! Are you far above rubies or you are just a roadside stone that can be kicked and tossed to and fro by anyone? The question is yours to answer, is your price far above rubies?
See below how the bible described a virtuous woman in proverbs 31:10-31(KJV)
Written By Lydia Chilanda (From Zambia)
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Is He/She Good For Me? (Single & Searching )
by dailyd | Oct 25, 2018 | Relationship
There are so many teachings today about virginity! One guy was telling me the other time how he so much desired to marry a lady that is a virgin like himself, as good as that sounds, it is not the ultimate! I have written a lot about the need to preserve sex for marriage, and wait till you are married before having sex, the truth is that singles should abstain from premarital sex, and the married should abstain from extra-marital affairs, they are not man-made rules, they are commands from God written in the Holy Scriptures! Run from sexual sin! No other sin clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body (1Cor 6:18) and Proverb 6: 32 says But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself. So I’m not in any way undermining the sanctity of virginity!
But unfortunately, more emphasis has been laid on virginity at the detriment of purity! Lots of young people believe that virginity and purity are synonymous! Thinking if you are a virgin then you are sexually pure! Hear this! You can be a VIRGIN and STILL BE A FORNICATOR! You can be a virgin and still be guilty of sexual immorality, in other words, YOUR VIRGINITY CAN BE INTACT, whereas YOUR PURITY IS LOST!
Read what Jesus said: But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Mathew 5:28), so you discovered that the issue of fornication/adultery has gone pass virginity! The sin is committed in the heart before the outward manifestation!
Purity is not just about whether you’ve had sex before or not, Purity is about being sexually pure inwardly and outwardly, PURITY IS NOT AN EVENT, IT’S A LIFESTYLE!
So many youths are only concerned about keeping their virginity (which is good) but less concerned about what they do with their body, so many are still involved in pornography, dry-humping (caressing their bodies with clothes on), masturbating, lustful kissing, homosexuality, sexual imaginations etc… All those sexual activities render you impure, regardless of whether you are a virgin or not!
If you are a virgin, strive not to lose your virginity to anyone other than your husband or wife, if you’ve lost your virginity, strive not to continue in premarital sex! But above all STRIVE TO BE SEXUALLY PURE AND LIVE A LIFE OF HOLINESS IN ALL RAMIFICATIONS!
Want to have a lifestyle of purity? (Sexual purity and purity in all areas of life) Do the following:
- Surrender your life to Jesus; accept Him as your Lord and Saviour. Ask Him to cleanse you from every sin and past sexual immoral life, (check far below for additional guide). This is your very first step, because if you abstain from sex without Jesus in your life, it’s tantamount to self – righteousness which is nothing but a filthy rag before God. Jesus is the true source of Holiness.
- Study the word of God daily and pray daily! The bible says “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word” Psalm 119:9
- Thirst and pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit will empower your life both for ministry and for purity! See what Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 5: 15 So be careful how you live. Live as men who are wise and not foolish. 16 Make the best use of your time. These are sinful days. 17 Do not be foolish. Understand what the Lord wants you to do. 18 Do not get drunk with wine. That leads to wild living. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit. 19 Tell of your joy to each other by singing the Songs of David and church songs. Sing in your heart to the Lord. 20 Always give thanks for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Abstain from every appearance of evil; Psalm 1: 1-3 “Blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked [following their advice and example],
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit [down to rest] in the seat of scoffers (ridiculers).
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And on His law [His precepts and teachings] he [habitually] meditates day and night.
And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season;
Its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers [and comes to maturity”
Written by:
Paul Ojomu
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Maximize Your Singleness
by dailyd | Oct 24, 2018 | Relationship
“MARRIAGE is like a shoe. When you wear oversize, be ready to drag it along throughout life, and when you wear under-size be ready to feel the pains throughout life”.
One thing about marriage is that you don’t drop your shoe or remove it at any point, no matter how painful or how stressful it is. That is why I thought it necessary to write you this letter.who is right for me – the marriage shoe
Dear Singles, when you are ready to buy your own shoe please take note of these three things:
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Do not look for the beautiful ones, the nice ones or the cheap ones. Look for the one that is your size. Not every handsome, wealthy or intelligent guy is for you, not every beautiful woman is for you. Look for the one that is meant for you, the one that aligns with your values and belief, the one who you meet at your life’s journey. It is important to know where you’re going in life before you think of getting a wife.
POSITION: All sizes of shoes are not placed in the same place. There is a place for court shoes, laced up shoes, sport footwear, snickers etc. We have Children sizes, young people’s sizes and the adult sizes. Know where to get your own shoe. Your size cannot be everywhere my brother, your type cannot be everywhere my sister. You cannot be a Christian, and be looking for a wife at a club. Your wife or husband can’t just be everywhere. Stick to your values and therein you shall find someone like you, but when your values are not defined anyone can just match you. Discover yourself and define your values.
PERCEPTION: In this kind of shoe purchasing enterprise, you are not permitted to try the shoe before you buy. This is why it is important to seek guidance and counselling from people who have bought shoes before or are into the business of directing people to the right shoes (Pastors and Relationship coaches). And most importantly to avoid much time wasting time, simply consult the SHOE MANUFACTURER to tell you your size (GOD ALMIGHTY). And read the Marriage Manual (Manufacturer’s manual)- THE BIBLE! Study Genesis 2 etc.
“You do not prepare for wedding, you prepare for marriage.” Ladies these days get so motivated when they attend wedding and they will quickly want to say yes to that guy.
Wait!!! It is not just the wedding! The wedding is just one day. After the wedding WHAT NEXT?
Finally, it is not something you rush to the market and just pick a shoe because you like or can purchase it. Ask questions -Where is this shoe made from? (Background) -What’s the size (Values) -How much (His/Her interest) -How long will it last (His/Her Character) -Who made it? (Is she/He of the same faith This is compatibility) -Will it match me? (This is whether he/she love you and will accept you the way you are)
Dear one, remember many are dragging their feet and they would hardly reach their destinies, many are feeling endless pains and wish they could pull off the shoes but no way!!! I have seen people with beautiful shoes and when they show you their foot, you will see scars.
Beloved, it is not about the physical, it is the size, you can’t know the size from afar, so come close, build a relationship first but remember ‘you are not permitted to try it before you buy it’.
And for those who have purchased the wrong shoes, you can still make it your size again if you’d consult the manufacturer and let Him have His way in your marriage. God bless us all.
(Author Unknown)
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Is He/She Good For Me? (Single & Searching )
by dailyd | Oct 23, 2018 | Relationship
Is he or she right for me postMany a time, in other, to know if someone is God’s perfect will for us, we are prompted within us to go and ask some men and women of God as well as our spiritual parents whom we believed have access to quick revelation based on greater grace.
Many of them will tell us “he/she is good” and with that, we believe we can go ahead with the relationship. Only a few of them will tell you the reality behind the choices you’re about to make.
That the person is good doesn’t mean he or she is good for you. The question you should ask each time they tell you he/ she is good is that “is the “good,” good for me??”Is he or she right for me
This is because not all good has the capacity to proceed to the comparative/ superlative …not all good has the capacity to become better let alone becoming Best. So the question is, “is the good Good for me?”. Don’t just ask them, be spiritually inclined as well.
You see; you can never tell how good the person is for you unless you receive your own confirmation from God. It is not what people say that keep you going but what God says and your determination to run with it leads to fulfillment.
It is quite unfortunate that majority of the claim “it is God’s will” are merely and actually prompted by the will of the gods ruling the carnal desires.
Finally while praying to know God’s will for your life, don’t expect %100 Revelation about the person. All you need is something Good to start with. Other things to know about the person will reflect as the relationship unfolds.
The thought of God for us is of good and not of evil. The Good that God has for us is encapsulated with Power to produce a Future of peace, health and fulfillment. The Good that God has for us is not just a name but a position that leads to perfection.
It is now left for you and me to renew our mind daily to be transformed enough to the level where you can discern and now for yourself what is good, acceptable and perfect will of God for you
Written by: Shola Abayomi
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Maximize Your Singleness
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