by dailyd | Oct 3, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
Topic: The Confrontation of Faith
Scripture: Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life… 1 Timothy 6:12a.
Thought For The Day: Anywhere faith is lacking, Christianity becomes a mockery.
Faith has been defined as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen according to Hebrews 11:1.
It is critical to know that the subject of faith cannot be over-emphasized because the journey of Christianity is called, ‘The walk of faith’ (2 Corinthians 5:7). Also, in Romans 1:17, the Scripture makes it clear that the life and survival of a Christian is dependent on his faith – Habakkuk. 2:4.
Thus, faithlessness is an invitation to calamity and casualty in life. Christianity without faith is Christianity without force. The truth is, anywhere faith is lacking, Christianity becomes a mockery.
From our anchor Scripture above, it is clear that for a Christian’s faith to survive, fight is required. Faith is not a feeling; faith is not wishful thinking; faith is a fight, faith is a confrontation. Every genuine faith must be confronted. For instance, the faith of Daniel, Joseph, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were all confronted because they believed or trusted in God. But every one of them overcame the confrontation of their faith. So, the decision to walk in faith should be accompanied by the readiness for confrontations in life; to walk in faith is to be ready for confrontations. But you are destined to overcome in Jesus’ Name.
Beloved, be determined to arm yourself with the mentality of warfare in order to maintain a vibrant faith in God. I prophesy unto you the grace to maintain a vibrant faith that is alive. Receive the power to confront and conquer every confrontation of your faith, in Jesus’ Name.
Remember This: Anywhere faith is lacking, Christianity becomes a mockery.
1. Fight to maintain your faith in God.
2. Refuse to be timid; confront every confrontation of your faith with brutal declarations and positive actions.
Prayer: Lord, I thank You for Your Word to me today. Grant me the grace to equip my faith with Your Word and the power to conquer every confrontation of my life, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Quote: Any faith that dodges responsibility is an irresponsible faith. Culled from 365 WISDOM CAPSULES by Dr Paul Enenche
Daily Reading: Jeremiah 1:1 to 2:30, Philippians 4:1 to 23, Psalm 75:1 to 10, Proverbs 24:17
Amazing Fact: Camels can drink more than 40 gallons of water at once.
Today In History: 03/10/1863 – U.S. President Lincoln declared that the last Thursday of November would be recognized as Thanksgiving Day
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities
by dailyd | Oct 2, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
Scripture: Her filthiness clung to her skirts; she did not consider her future. Her fall was astounding… Lamentations 1:9. (NIV)
Thought For The Day: There is no destiny for the dirty, there is no future for the filthy and there can be no prospect for the polluted.
Sometime ago, after I finished preaching, I made an altar call. As I was about leading the people in the prayer of repentance, a lady suddenly fell and we thought she fell under the Power of God, not knowing she had fainted and slumped. After the prayer, I touched her and discovered that she was lifeless. I did everything I could medically to resuscitate her but all to no avail. There was no sign of life in her. So, I cried to God with passion, “Oh Lord, this lady must not die; please bring her back to life.”
While I was still praying, she jerked back to life. When asked what happened, she said that when she slumped, she saw herself at the other side of eternity; she saw people jubilating on one side and other people screaming in torment on the other side. Then an Angel asked her, “Where do you want to go?” She said, “The side where people are rejoicing.” The angel said, “You are dirty and too filthy to go there, people like you cannot step in there”.
It was at that juncture where she was about to be sent to hell that God intervened in answer to my prayer for her and gave her a second chance.
Beloved, she would have gone to hell because of filthiness had God not intervened. The truth is, there is no destiny for the dirty, there is no future for the filthy and there can be no eternal prospect for the polluted. The destination of sinners is eternal damnation in hell fire. But that shall not be your portion, in Jesus’ Name! Therefore, make up your mind to repent from every sin and remain pure in the sight of God.
Remember This: There is no destiny for the dirty, there is no future for the filthy and there can be no prospect for the polluted.
1. Go through the message for today again.
2. Repent of every sin and determine to maintain a conscience void of offence towards both God and men.
Prayer: Lord, I ask that You cleanse me from every filthiness by the Blood of Jesus. Baptize me with the grace to maintain a conscience void of offence towards You and towards men O Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Quote: The way of integrity is stronger than the way of compromise at any time. Culled from WHO ARE YOU? By Dr. Paul Enenche
Amazing Fact: Tigers are completely blind for the first week of their life.
Daily Reading: Isaiah 66:1-24, Philippians 3:4 to 21, Psalm 74:1 to 23, Proverbs 24:15 to 16
Today In History: 02/10/1528 – William Tyndale, the renowned English Reformer and Bible translator published his famous work The Obedience of a Christian Man.
Don’t Forget To Attend: The two Power-Packed Communion Services tomorrow by 4:45pm and 6:30pm respectively. Invite your friends and loved ones. God bless you.
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities
Seeds of Destiny 1 October 2018
by dailyd | Oct 1, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
Topic: The Word of God and the Blessing of Freedom
Scripture: He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Psalms 107:20.
Thought For The Day: The truth you know determines the freedom you attain; it is revelation that sponsors liberation.
Today is a very significant day in the history of our Nation, Nigeria; it is a day that marks the anniversary of our freedom or independence from our colonial masters. In a day like this, it is very important to look at the subject of freedom that emanates from God’s Word as it relates to our personal lives in particular and the nation in general.
Freedom can be defined as the state of being free, of not being imprisoned or enslaved. It is a state of being at liberty rather than being in confinement or under physical restraint and bondage.
The Bible makes it clear that it is God’s Will for His children to be free from every form of bondage. That is why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to set us free from every bondage and yoke of sin, satan and the system of the world (John 10:10, John 8:32, 36).
Now, one of the forces that guarantee freedom is the Word of God (Psalms 107:20). The Word of God is a sponsor of freedom; the Word of God has the potency to set mankind free from every captivity of the enemy – be it the captivity of iniquity, insanity, poverty, infirmity, demonic affliction or witchcraft manipulation.
Therefore, to be connected to God’s Word is to be set free in life; freedom is a blessing of God’s Word. On the other hand, to be disconnected from God’s Word is to be cursed. The truth you know determines the freedom you attain; it is revelation that sponsors liberation (John 8:32).
Beloved, my counsel is, make up your mind to study God’s Word diligently on a continual basis. Freedom is not for lazy Christians but for those who are serious with God and diligent in the study of His Word. Anything that denies you access to God’s Word deprives you access to freedom. Maintain your access to the Word of God on a continual basis.
Remember This: The truth you know determines the freedom you attain; it is revelation that sponsors liberation.
1. Give yourself to a diligent study of God’s Word.
2. Reclaim your freedom from every form of captivity of the Enemy by praying and believing the revealed Word.
Prayer: Lord, I thank You for setting me free on the Cross of Calvary. I reclaim my freedom from every captivity of the devil by the power of Your Word, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
Quote: Captivity continues where there is bankruptcy of revelation; where Word is available, freedom is possible. Culled from 365 WISDOM CAPSULES by Dr Paul Enenche.
Amazing Fact: A study done in 2003 estimated that there were over 24 billion chickens in the world. Not only do chickens outnumber people more than 3 to 1, but there are more chickens than any other kind of bird in the world.
Today In History: 1/10/1960, Nigeria gained her independence from Britain
Daily Reading: Isaiah 62:6 to 65:25, Philippians 2:19 to 3:3, Psalm 73:1 to 28, Proverbs 24:13 to 14.
Don’t Forget To Attend: The Healing and Deliverance Service tomorrow by 9am prompt. Invite the afflicted, the challenged, and friends and loved ones. God bless you.
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities
Seeds of Destiny 30 September 2018
by dailyd | Sep 30, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
Topic: Praise; a Key to Supernatural Supplies
Scripture: Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us…. Psalm 67:5-7
Thought For The Day: The earth cannot withhold the supplies of a praiser.
Our anchor Scripture establishes a clear connection between praise and supernatural supplies. Praise provokes the release of the blessing of God on the life of the praiser. Wherever what is yours is, praise reveals and releases it to you by putting the earth under pressure and retains it for you. The earth cannot withhold the supplies of the one who praises God. So, to praise God is to be blessed.
Now, let us see how praise puts the earth under pressure for the release of supernatural supplies.
Psalm 67:5, 6 says,… let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield…
The earth here refers to three things:
a. The People of the Earth.
If you know how to praise God, no human being can keep what is yours in their possession. Your praise would make your boss in the office lose his/her sleep until he/she releases your due promotion.
b. Governments, Organisations or Institutions.
The Persian Empire was put under pressure because of Mordecai (Esther 6:1-11). When you know God and know how to praise Him, there is no system or government that can hold back what is yours.
c. The Enemy, Satan the Devil and his Agents.
No witchcraft coven, occultic shrine or marine warehouse can withhold the consignment of a praiser.
Beloved, I declare that today, individuals, governments, systems and agents of the devil shall release to you by force, whatever belongs to you in their possession, in Jesus’ Name.
Remember this: The earth cannot withhold the supplies of a praiser.
1. Take out time today to heartily praise God like never before.
2. Get and read a copy of the book: 21 Uncommon Keys to Financial Overflow by Dr Paul Enenche.
Prayer: O Lord I thank You for all You have done for me. I receive the grace to praise You at all times, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Quote: It does not matter what you sow, where joy is absent, harvest is impossible; you reap only with joy. Culled from 21 UNCOMMON KEYS TO FINANCIAL OVERFLOW by Dr Paul Enenche.
Daily Reading: Isaiah 60:1 to 62:5, Philippians 1:27 to 2:18, Psalm 72:1 to 20, Proverbs 24:11 to 12.
Amazing Fact: The longest bone in an adult human is the thighbone, measuring about 18 inches (46 cm). The shortest bone is in the ear and is just 0.1 inches (.25 cm) long, which is shorter than a grain of rice.[
Today In History: 30/09/1980 – Israel issued its new currency, the shekel, to replace the pound.
Parental Prophetic Blessing: No devil, witch or wizard can stop the work of God in your life, in Jesus’ Name. – Dr Paul Enenche
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities
Seeds of Destiny 29 September 2018:
by dailyd | Sep 29, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
Topic: The Weapon that Tackles the Battles of Life
Scripture: For through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down, which smote with a rod. Isaiah 30:31
Thought For The Day: The Voice of God or Divine revelation is a weapon that tackles the battles of life.
We had previously established that one of the greatest assets of a person on earth is access to the Voice of God. The Voice of God is the secret of tranquillity (Psalms 85:8). It is a weapon that tackles the battles of life.
Now, I give you a practical example: Some time ago, a lady had chronic mouth ulcer that refused to heal despite medications. Then she slept one night and had a dream revelation where she saw herself chewing sugarcane. When she woke up, she made a decision to chew sugarcane in that mouth ulcer condition the same way she saw in the dream. She went and bought sugarcane, chewed it and the ulcer dried up.
Now, the question is: does it mean that anytime someone has mouth ulcer, he or she should chew sugarcane? No! God showed the lady sugarcane as a solution to her own peculiar challenge. Only God knows the mystery that could handle the satanic mystery behind the ulcer.
So, the Voice of God or Divine revelation is a weapon that tackles the battles of life; it connects you with Divine mysteries that can handle satanic mysteries.
To access the Voice of God, spiritual sensitivity is needed. Let us look at one of the secrets to maintaining sensitivity to God’s Voice.
Spirituality: When a person is spiritual by living a life of consecration, holiness, prayer, worship, giving, evangelism, etc., spiritual sensitivity is inevitable. Abraham could hear God because early devotion to God was his lifestyle (Genesis 19:27). Your spirituality determines your sensitivity to God’s Voice.
Remember this: The Voice of God or Divine revelation is a weapon that tackles the battles of life.
1. Endeavour to be fervent in spiritual activities like praying, fasting, worshiping, soul winning, etc.
2. Expect God to speak to you directly or through His Word, revelations, dreams etc.
Prayer: O Lord, I receive the grace to access Your Voice. Help me to maintain a lifestyle of spirituality in order to hear Your Voice always Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Quote: Your spirituality is not for the purpose of luxury; your spirituality determines your immunity and affects your security. Culled from,“15 Kingdom Strategies for Survival” by Dr Paul Enenche
Amazing Fact: Fingernails grow faster on the hand a person writes with. They also grow faster than toenails, and faster on longer fingers.
Today In History: 29/09/1967 – The International Monetary Fund reformed monetary systems around the world.
Daily Reading: Isaiah 54:15 to 59:21, Philippians 1:1 to 26, Psalm 71:1 to 24, Proverbs 24:9 to 10.
Don’t Forget To Attend: The six over-flooded services tomorrow by 6 am, 7:20 am, 8:40 pm, 10, am, 11:20 am and 12:40 pm
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities
Seeds of Destiny 28 September 2018:
by dailyd | Sep 28, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
Topic: The Benefit of Access to the Voice of God
Scripture: The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. Psalms 29:4
Thought For The Day: To be out of touch with the Voice of God is to be lost on the journey of life and destiny.
The Voice of God is the compass for life and destiny. That is why one of our greatest assets on earth is access to the Voice of God. Access to the Voice of God was behind the making of principal people in the Scripture. For instance, Moses heard the Voice of God, the patriarchs heard the Voice of God; and that Voice remained a principal asset in their lives’ journey on earth.
Now, the question is, how does God speak?
God can speak audibly to a person or through His Word (The Bible). God also speaks through dreams, revelations, the inward Voice or witness, visions etc. Whenever God speaks, change is guaranteed.
What then are the benefits of hearing the Voice of God?
1. The Voice of God is the Activator of Destiny: Abraham was almost a destitute until God’s Voice came (Genesis 12:1). So, to be out of touch with the Voice of God is to be lost on the journey of life and destiny.
2. The Voice of God is the Container of Power: God’s Voice is pregnant with power (Psalms 29:4). When the Voice of God comes, it empowers a person unto fulfillment. You cannot be connected to God’s Voice and be a weakling in life.
3. The Voice of the Lord is a Weapon for the Battles of Life: One of the weapons for the battle of life is Divine revelation. One revelation from God by His Voice can finish your enemy (Isaiah 30:31).
Beloved, my counsel is, do all you can to hear from God in every area of your life; draw near to God in personal relationship, intimacy, communion and commitment to Him.
Remember this: To be out of touch with the Voice of God is to be lost on the journey of life and destiny.
1. Study the Word of God continually and expectantly; you will hear His Voice in His Word.
2. Acknowledge God in all you do and seek His direction.
Prayer: Lord, open my ears to hear Your Voice. Open my eyes to see the revelation in Your Word and give me the grace to obey You always, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
Quote: God speaks to people who think, not people who worry. Culled from, 10 PRINCIPAL SECRETS OF PRINCIPAL PEOPLE by Dr Paul Enenche.
Amazing Fact: The Boeing 747 is capable of flying upside-down if it weren’t for the fact that the wings would shear off when trying to roll it over.
Today In History: 21-09-1892 – The first night time football game in the U.S. took place under electric lights. The game was between the Mansfield State Normal School and the Wyoming Seminary
Daily Reading: Isaiah 54:1 to 57:14, Ephesians 6:1 to 24, Psalm 70:1 to 5, Proverbs 24:8.
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities
Seeds of Destiny 27 September 2018:
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