by dailyd | Oct 21, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
Topic: The Eternal Peril of Bitterness
Scripture: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; Hebrews 12:15
Thought For The Day: Any forgiveness that is done with the mouth but the heart remains bitter is a waste of forgiveness.
Sometime ago, a young lady gave a shocking testimony in our Church: She said that in the dream of the night, she saw her soul leave her body to eternity where she stood before a man who wore a white garment. The man brought out the Book of Life and opened it before her but her name was not found in it. Then the man showed her the picture of a lady who she knew before in the world and with whom she had quarrelled. The man said, ‘You told her you had forgiven her, but you were still bitter towards her; each time you saw her, you got angry within yourself but laughed with her outside. Now because you could not forgive her from your heart, you will be thrown into the hellfire to be tormented forever.’ It was at this point that she saw my wife and I on our knees interceding for her. So, the man lifted her up and gave her a second chance.
Beloved, any forgiveness that is done with the mouth but the heart remains bitter is a waste of forgiveness.
My counsel is, forgive from the depth of your heart; forgive that man who jilted you; forgive that lady who took away your husband or fiancé; forgive that robber, that young man or relation of yours who raped you; forgive that brother or sister in church who you did business with but duped you; forgive your parents who abandoned you; forgive the lecturer who took advantage of you and went ahead to fail you; forgive, forgive, I say, forgive!
Remember This: Any forgiveness that is done with the mouth but the heart remains bitter is a waste of forgiveness.
1. Ask God for fresh grace to forgive.
2. Show your total forgiveness by reconciling with anyone who has hurt you in the past.
Prayer: O Lord, I ask for fresh grace to forgive those who have hurt me. Remove every trace of bitterness and heaviness from my heart. I receive mercy from You Lord, in Jesus; Name.
Quote: Do you know that if God should judge you as you judged others, you shouldn’t be alive? Culled from, AM I BITTER? By Dr Becky Paul-Enenche
Daily Reading: Jeremiah 37:1 to 38:28, 1 Timothy 6:1 to 21, Psalm 89:38 to 52, Proverbs 25:28
Amazing Fact: You can use water to easily determine the age of an egg
Today In History: 21/10/1945, Women in France allowed to vote for first time
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities
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Seeds of Destiny 20 October 2018
by dailyd | Oct 20, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
TOPIC: Relinquishing the Ownership of Your Life to God
SCRIPTURE: This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise. Isaiah 43:21
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Claiming to give your life to God while your resources are not owned by Him is deception.
MESSAGE : The place of understanding in the life of a person is very critical in fulfilling destiny; where understanding is lacking, abuse is inevitable.
Previously, we saw that the bankruptcy of the understanding of what it means to give one’s life to Christ is a reason for people remaining unchanged even after answering the altar call to give their lives to Christ. Hence, a correct understanding of what it means to give or surrender one’s life to Christ is very important.
Another reason why this understanding is important is because many people who claim to have given their lives to Christ place priority on vanity instead of spirituality; and on carnality above purity. People are more concerned about what to drive or wear to the detriment of maintaining quality Christian life. In the midst of obvious materialism, they still claim to have given their lives to Christ. Is this what it means to give one’s life to Christ? Not at all!
Now, I give you one implication of giving one’s life to Christ:
Allowing God to have the title deed of your life
This is where God has the full ownership of your life; what you do with your time, how you appear, your resources, your energy or the relationships of your life, etc. are all for the glory of God.
When God has the ownership of your life, He also owns your resources. Claiming to give your life to God while your resources are not owned by Him is deception. The truth is, it is not a matter of how much you can give to God but how much of God’s money are you keeping for yourself.
Beloved, make up your mind to come to a point where God can boldly say that He owns you.
REMEMBER THIS: Claiming to give your life to God while your resources are not owned by Him is deception.
1. Determine to make God the Centre of your life.
2. Have the God-first mentality in everything you do.
PRAYER: Lord, I surrender all I am and have to You. Kill every desire to gratify the flesh in me Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: A life without Christ is set for crisis. To be independent of God is to be ineffective in life. Culled from 365 WISDOM CAPSULES by Dr Paul Enenche
DAILY READING: Jeremiah 35:1 to 36:32, 1 Timothy 5:1 to 25, Psalm 89:14 to 37, Proverbs 25:25 to 27
AMAZING FACT: Some chickens can lay eggs that contain another complete egg inside.
TODAY IN HISTORY: 20/10/1880, Amsterdam Free University opened
DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND: The Six Over flooded Sunday Services tomorrow by 6:00am, 7:20am, 8:40am, 10:00am, 11:20am and 12:40pm respectively. Come with your friends and loved ones. God bless you.
Seeds of Destiny 20 October 2018 Daily Devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors.
4 things you MUST know before getting married
by dailyd | Oct 19, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
TOPIC: Christ Being Visible Through Your Life
SCRIPTURE: I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: God cannot own you and you are looking like the child of the devil.
Seeds of Destiny 19 October 2018 Message: Previously, we saw that a lot of people answered the call to give their lives to Christ whenever such call is made, but in reality, they did not really understand what they were doing. So, we tried to understand what it really meant to give one’s life to Christ. We saw that giving one’s life to Christ entails, relinquishing the ownership of one’s life to God, amongst others.
Today, we shall consider another important point of what it means to give your life to Christ. This understanding is important because everyone is a product of his understanding.
Now, another meaning of giving your life to Christ is:
Christ Being Seen In You
This means, having the mark of Jesus Christ on your life; it means that you have become the brand of Christ. For instance, when you see a product manufactured in China, on that product, it would be boldly written, ‘Made in China’. If it was made in Japan, it would be written, ‘Made in Japan’. Also, during the era of slave trade, the owners of the slaves engraved their marks on the slaves they owned. A slave is not permitted to bear another slave owner’s mark. As it is in the physical, so it is in the spiritual. God cannot own you and you are looking like the child of the devil; resemblance is also a proof of ownership.
Beloved, my counsel is, come to the point where believers and unbelievers are able to see or feel Jesus Christ when they come close to you by the way you dress, talk or by your attitude.
REMEMBER THIS: God cannot own you and you are looking like the child of the devil.
1. Take out some time to examine yourself by asking the following questions: Do I look like Christ? Do I act or behave like Christ? Do people hear Christ when I speak?
2. Respond appropriately to your answers above by adjusting your life to God’s standard.
PRAYER: O Lord, remove every character or nature in me that does not resemble You. Put Your mark of ownership on my life Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Existing without Jesus Christ is existing without a just cause; life becomes toxic outside of Christ. Culled from 365 WISDOM CAPSULES by Dr Paul Enenche
DAILY READING: Jeremiah 33:1 to 34:22, 1 Timothy 4:1 to 16, Psalm 89:1 to 13, Proverbs 25:23 to 24
AMAZING FACT: A hen turns her eggs nearly 50 times each day to keep the yolk from sticking to the side.
TODAY IN HISTORY: 19/10/1870: 1st African-Americans elected to United State House of Representatives
DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND: The Home Church meeting tomorrow by 6:00pm at a Dunamis Home Church near you. Invite your neighbours and family. God bless you.
Seeds of Destiny 19 October 2018 Daily Devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors.
Seeds of Destiny 18 October 2018 Devotional
by dailyd | Oct 18, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
Topic: Understanding What It Means to Give One’s Life to Christ
Scripture: And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. Luke 9:23-24
Thought For The Day: A life outside Christ is a life full of crises; a Christ-less life is a crisis-full life.
In our churches today, many people give their lives to Jesus when a call is made to do so but take their lives back from God by the way they live. This is because they do not understand what it really means to give one’s life to Christ. The way they live outside the church contradicts their profession of Christianity. Hence, it is very important to know what it really means to give one’s life to Christ.
Now, what then does it mean to give your life to Christ?
1. Saying NO to Sin and All forms of Unrighteousness
To give your life to Christ is to say NO to sin and all forms of unrighteousness. It is to embrace the Godly life of holiness, righteousness and uprightness in conformity to the life of Jesus Christ.
2. Relinquishing the Control of your Life to God
This is coming to a point where you completely hand over the control of your life to God and you cannot claim to own yourself any longer.
3. Allowing God to have the Final Say
To give your life to Christ is to allow God to have the final say over your life; it is coming to a point where you can take no decision in life without God.
4. Ceasing to Live for Yourself but for God Alone
To give your life to God is to cease to live for yourself; you start living for God. It is coming to a point like Paul the Apostle who said, ‘For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.’ (Philippians 1:21).
Beloved, a life outside Christ is a life full of crises; a Christ-less life is a crisis-full life. But that shall not be your portion in Jesus’ Name.
Remember This: A life outside of Christ is a life full of crises; a Christ-less life is a crisis-full life.
1. Handover the totality of your life to God by making up your mind to give your life to Christ today (if you have not done that).
2. Decide to develop a quality spiritual life of prayer and study of the Word of God.
Prayer: Lord, I surrender the totality of my life to You. Give me the grace to be a Christian not by confession but by character, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Quote: Disconnection from God is disconnection from good. Culled from 365 WISDOM CAPSULES by Dr Paul Enenche
Daily Reading: Jeremiah 31:27 to 32:44, 1 Timothy 3:1 to 16, Psalm 88:1 to 18, Proverbs 25:20 to 22
Amazing Fact: Chameleons change colour not to camouflage; they change colour according to their mood or health
Today In History: 18/10/1922, British Broadcasting Company (BBC) founded, later called British Broadcasting Corporation
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities
Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 17 October 2018
by dailyd | Oct 17, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
TOPIC: Separation From the Crowd
SCRIPTURE: Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 2 Corinthians 6:17.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Conformity is the foundation for uniformity of calamity; to flow with the crowd is to be lost in the crowd.
Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 17 October 2018 Message: Sometime ago, I heard the story of a high ranking Christian officer in the Nigerian army. One day, other officers were organizing a party and this high-ranking Christian Officer was invited to be part of it. In the course of the preparation, this Christian officer asked his fellow officers if alcohol would be served in the party and the other officers answered in the affirmative. Then he said, “If alcohol would be served, then I won’t be involved and my money would not be part of it.” Then after some deliberations, they said, “What is the use of even serving alcohol in the first place? We will not serve alcohol in the party. There is no need.’ They told the Christian officer. So, the Christian officer responded, ‘In that case, I will attend the party.’
The lesson from this story is: only one man changed the order of a major event because of solidity of Godly character. You too can change the sinful opinion or attitude of an overwhelming majority with your Godly character if you refuse to join them or compromise.
Beloved, your separation from the crowd guarantees your safety in life. Conformity is the foundation for uniformity of calamity; if you conform to the world, the same calamity that confronts the world will befall you. To flow with the crowd is to be lost in the crowd. That shall not be your portion in Jesus’ Name.
To be the best, you must be yourself. The desire to be like somebody is the reason for so many nobodies. You cannot make a difference in your generation until you are clearly different.
My counsel is, make up your mind to be different from other people.
REMEMBER THIS: Conformity is the foundation for uniformity of calamity; to flow with the crowd is to be lost in the crowd.
Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 17 October 2018 ASSIGNMENTS:
1. Avoid the wrong company.
2. Determine to be clearly different for God wherever you find yourself.
PRAYER: O Lord, I ask for mercy in any area I might have conformed to the world. I receive the grace to standout for Christ even in the midst of confrontations and contradictions Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: The voice of the person you listen to determines how you will end. To camp with the rest, is to end like the rest. Culled from 10 PRINCIPAL SECRETS OF PRINCIPAL PEOPLE by Dr Paul Enenche
Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 17 October 2018 DAILY READING: Jeremiah 30:1 to 31:26, 1 Timothy 2:1 to 15, Psalm 87:1 to 7, Proverbs 25:18 to 19
AMAZING FACT: Lizards are born dumb and remain like that till they die.
TODAY IN HISTORY: 17/10/1904, Bank of Italy (Bank of America) opened its doors
Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional 17 October 2018 was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors.
Seeds of Destiny 16 October 2018 Devotional
by dailyd | Oct 16, 2018 | Seed of Destiny
Topic: The Destiny of The Wicked
Scripture: But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:8
Thought For The Day: There is no destiny for the wicked, and there can be no future for the disobedient.
Destiny refers to a person’s future or the actualization of God’s purpose for one’s life.
It is established that there is no one on earth who exists without a definite destiny. God has a purpose for everyone. And your character determines your destiny, your habit determines your habitat, your manners confirm your making.
The wicked are the disobedient, the rebellious, the carnal, the immoral, the diabolic, the corrupt, the robbers, the murderers and all those who live contrary to the Word and principles of God. The truth is, there is no destiny for the wicked, and there can be no future for the disobedient other than destruction and damnation in hell.
Beloved, what is the destiny of smokers, drunks, womanizers, prostitutes, cheats, liars, backbiters, gossips, ritual killers, etc. if they refuse to repent? What is the fate of the armed robber who went to rob a family and after robbing, raped the only daughter in that family who was even a virgin and possibly infected her with the HIV virus? God forbid! What kind of future awaits such a wicked agent of the devil on earth and in eternity? What is the destiny of the hired assassin, who was paid to kill, and he killed a man rendering the man’s wife a widow and the children orphans? What is the destiny of people who derive demonic pleasure in taking the lives of defenceless innocent people; ripping open pregnant women, cutting off human organs and dismembering the slain? What is their destiny other than damnation and eternal torments in hellfire? Hellfire is the Destiny of such people!
Beloved, I counsel you to make your ways right with God; do not join a person who has made up his mind to go to hell. If you cannot bring him to heaven, do not follow him to hell.
Remember This: There is no destiny for the wicked, and there can be no future for the disobedient.
1. Ask God for mercy in any way your actions in time past inflicted pain on people.
2. If possible, prayerfully meet those persons your actions have hurt to ask them for forgiveness.
3. Determine to show love to all that come in contact with you. Live right; shun the lifestyle of wickedness.
Prayer: Lord, I thank You for Your Word to me today. Help me not to be a source of pain to people. Order my steps away from wickedness, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Quote: Wickedness is the foundation for emptiness. Good ending is never the portion of the wicked. Culled from 365 Wisdom Capsules by Dr Paul Enenche
Daily Reading: Jeremiah 28:1 to 29:32, 1 Timothy 1:1 to 20 Psalm 86:1 to 17, Proverbs 25:17
Amazing Fact: When there is scarcity of water, lizards save water and excretes only salt and you can actually see a white residue on their body which is salt.
Today In History: 16/10/1964 China became world’s 5th nuclear power.
Don’t Forget To Attend: The two Power-Packed Communion Services tomorrow by 4:45pm and 6:30pm respectively. Invite your friends and loved ones. God bless you
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities
Seeds of Destiny 15 October 2018 Devotional
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