DCLM Daily Manna 3 November 2018 Devotional

DCLM Daily Manna 3 November 2018 Devotional

TOPIC: Bark With Bite

TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 13:21-29

KEY VERSE: “But when king David heard of all these things, he was very wroth” (2 Samuel 13:21).

MESSAGE: King David was a courageous soldier but a weak family man. He had committed dual iniquities of adultery and murder. God pronounced severe punishments against him, having given the adversaries of the Lord an occasion to blaspheme His name. God’s chastisement of David reveals His impartiality as no respecter of persons. He would not allow the wicked to go unpunished, because He could not tolerate sin.

In the text, we see the result of God’s punishment on David. Amnon, his son, committed incest with his half-sister, Tamar. When David heard, he was angry, but did nothing to discipline the young man. Some Bible commentators believe that David could not act decisively because Amnon was his eldest son and the next heir to his crown. It is arguable that David’s guilt with Bathsheba, rendered him more awkward in punishing Amnon. This led to Amnon’s murder by Absalom.

DCLM Daily Manna 3 November 2018 Devotional – Bark With Bite

There are many Christian homes today whose living conditions make siblings prone to committing incest. No matter our level of earning power, there must be decency in the set-up of our homes. Children must not be exposed to nakedness of parents or the opposite gender. Adequate demarcation should be made for our children to respect the privacy of the opposite gender.
God abhors sin in all its forms and His judgment looms over unrepentant sinners. Christian leaders should never withhold the rod of discipline from their erring members. Similarly, parents should rebuke and discipline their wayward children to prevent evil from spreading.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Never shut your eyes to evil for it will grow.


DCLM Daily Manna 3 November 2018 Devotional was written by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi; is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church situated at KM 42 on the busy Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria.

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DCLM Daily Manna 1 November 2018 – Danger Through Delay

Joyce Meyer Devotional 3 November 2018 — Get Up and Get Going

Joyce Meyer Devotional 3 November 2018 — Get Up and Get Going

Topic: Get Up and Get Going 

For we all stumble and sin in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says [never saying the wrong thing], he is a perfect man [fully developed in character, without serious flaws], able to bridle his whole body and rein in his entire nature…. — James 3:2 (AMP)

Even before we are totally awake, Satan is bidding to deceive us and is ready to plant defeating thoughts in our mind. He wants us to be hopeless, faithless, and negative.

He definitely doesn’t want us to be positive when we get up. He wants us to have a bad attitude and be selfish and self-centered, full of hatred, bitterness, resentment, doubt, unbelief, and fear—to be mad at everybody.

But thank God, through Jesus Christ, we have been redeemed from all of those negative patterns. We can resist Satan and trust God’s power in or­der to live victoriously today.

Prayer Starter: Father, this is the day You have made! Help me to approach it with a positive attitude, full of faith and hope, knowing You have great things in store. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries.

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Joyce Meyer Devotional 2 November 2018

Joyce Meyer Devotional 2 November 2018

Joyce Meyer Devotional 2 November 2018

Topic: Bridle Your Tongue 

Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us. — Ephesians 3:20 (AMP)

According to this scripture, the one thing proving our level of spiritual maturity isn’t how religious we are—whether we can quote Scripture, or the good works we do—it is the words from our mouths.

James 1:26 says, If anyone thinks himself to be religious (piously observant of the external duties of his faith) and does not bridle his tongue but deludes his own heart, this person’s religious service is worthless (futile, barren) (AMP).

No matter how religious you think you are, the true test proving your spirituality is whether you bridle your tongue or not. Bridle means “to restrain or control.” If we aren’t controlling our tongues, we are not operating in the level of maturity God wants us to have.

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, please help me with my words today. I can’t do it on my own, but with Your help, I can speak words of life and encouragement to those around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries.

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Kenneth Copeland Devotional 1 November 2018

Watch Winners’ Chapel LIVE Service with David Oyedepo

Watch Winners’ Chapel LIVE Service with David Oyedepo

You are watching the Friday LIVE Service tagged “Covenant Hour of Prayer, November 2, 2018 [Covenant Day of Trumpets] with Bishop David Oyedepo at Living Faith Church, aka Winners’ Chapel, Faith Tabernacle Canaan Land Ota Nigeria. (Please, reload this page for the latest live event)


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Watch Winners’ Chapel LIVE Service with David Oyedepo

Seeds of Destiny 2 November 2018 Devotional

Seeds of Destiny 2 November 2018 Devotional

Topic – God’s Word: A Key to Divine Health 

Scripture: They had come to hear him and to be healed, and Jesus cast out many evil spirits. Luke 6:18 (NLT)

Thought For The Day: To be worded is to be loaded with power to resist diseases and afflictions.

The Scripture makes it clear that it is the Will of God for His children to live in Divine Health (3 John 1:2). This is why He is committed to the healing and deliverance of every sickness and affliction in our bodies.

Now, one important key of living in Divine Health is the continual ingestion of the Word of God. Our anchor Scripture reveals that there is a connection between God’s Word and healing.

The question is, how does the Word of God make us live in the state of Divine Health? I give you two points:
i. The Word of God is a direct spiritual medication

God’s Word has a direct curative or therapeutic power; the Word of God has the power to heal any sickness when taken just as a person is healed when he takes medication. So, to be in touch with a new light from Scriptures is to be in touch with a new quantum of Divine health; and one word can dissolve any form of sickness in your body.

ii. The Word of God is spiritual nutrition
Just as physical nutrition is an attack on sickness, the feeding of God’s Word, which is spiritual nutrition, is an attack on sickness and diseases. Children are prone to sicknesses when they do not feed very well; and when nutrition is low, immunity is low and infection is high. In the same way, when your Word intake is low, your spiritual immunity is low and your capacity to fight affliction is also low. To be worded is to be loaded with power to resist diseases and afflictions.

My counsel is, make up your mind to be on a steady diet of God’s Word regularly. Be determined to be worded in order to live beyond the reach of afflictions.

Remember This: To be worded is to be loaded with power to resist diseases and afflictions.

1. Attack every sickness in your body by the instrumentality of God’s Word.
2. Make up your mind to live in Divine Health daily by increasing your intake of the Word.


Prayer: Father, I ask for a healthy appetite for Your Word. Give me the grace to study Your Word daily in order to live in Divine Health continuously, LORD, in Jesus’ Name.

DAILY BIBLE READING: Ezekiel 3:16 to 6:14, Hebrew 4:1 to 16, Psalm 104:24 to 35, Proverbs 26:27

Quote: To be in touch with the word of God is to be in touch with the life of God. Culled from MAKING FULL PROOF OF MINISTRY by Dr Paul Enenche.

Amazing Fact: “Rain of fish” is an annual weather event in which hundreds of fish rain from the sky onto the Honduran city of Yoro.

Today In History: 02/11/1976 Democrat candidate Jimmy Carter is elected President of the United States.

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities

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Seeds of Destiny 1 November 2018 Devotional

Our Daily Bread 2 November 2018 Devotional

Our Daily Bread 2 November 2018 Devotional

Topic: Catching Foxes

Read: Song of Solomon 2:14–17, Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 27–29; Titus 3

Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards. Song of Solomon 2:15

While talking on the phone with a friend who lives by the seaside, I expressed delight at hearing seagulls squawking. “Vile creatures,” she responded, for to her they’re a daily menace. As a Londoner, I feel the same way about foxes. I find them not cute animals but roaming creatures that leave smelly messes in their wake.

Foxes appear in the love poetry of the Song of Solomon, an Old Testament book that reveals the love between a husband and wife and, some commentators believe, between God and His people. The bride warns about little foxes, asking her bridegroom to catch them (2:15). For foxes, hungry for the vineyard’s grapes, could tear the tender plants apart. As the bride looks forward to their married life together, she doesn’t want vermin disturbing their covenant of love.

How can “foxes” disturb our relationship with God? For me, when I say “yes” to too many requests, I can become overwhelmed and unpleasant. Or when I witness relational conflict, I can be tempted to despair or anger. As I ask the Lord to limit the effect of these “foxes”—those I’ve let in through an open gate or those that have snuck in—I gain in trust of and love for God as I sense His loving presence and direction.

How about you? How can you seek God’s help from anything keeping you from Him?

Prayer: Lord God, You are powerful and You are good. Please protect my relationship with You, keeping out anything that would take my eyes off You.

God can guard our relationship with Him.

Although the author is not specifically named, Song of Songs is traditionally attributed to Solomon, who is mentioned in 1:1, 5; 3:7, 9, 11; 8:11, 12 and who is referred to as “King Solomon” in 3:9–11. Therefore, this book is also called “The Song of Solomon.” Solomon composed 1,005 songs (1 Kings 4:32), but this song is deemed to be “the best”—hence the appropriate title “Solomon’s Song of Songs” (1:1). It is one of two biblical books (the other is Esther) where God isn’t mentioned explicitly. Some interpret Song of Songs as an allegory of Christ’s love for the church; others consider it to be a poem describing the romance and relationship of two passionate lovers. Rich in nature metaphors—“Your eyes are doves” (1:15); “My beloved is like a gazelle” (2:9); “The little foxes that ruin the vineyards” (v. 15)—the song celebrates sexual love and physical intimacy within the bonds of marriage (4:8–5:1). Together husband and wife wield out “the foxes” (2:15), removing anything that threatens their loving union or hurts the exclusivity of their marriage.

K. T. Sim

This message was written By Amy Boucher Pye [Our Daily Bread Ministries.

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Our Daily Bread 1 November 2018 Devotional