…..Before I knew what was happening, we started kissing and fondling each other. Something in me kept telling me what I was doing was wrong, …  what happened next? find out …

He Took Off My Underwear!

“Rose, be a good girl and ensure you are closer to God, don’t join bad girls, face your studies and do your best to come out with a very good grade” those were the words my dad told me when I was leaving for the university in another city.

Life on campus was exciting, interesting and challenging at the same time. It wasn’t long before I joined a Christian group due to my upbringing. I wasn’t too committed in the fellowship as I struggled to strike a balance between my social, spiritual life and academics.

I was not used to going to night parties because of my parents’ strict upbringing, although I had always wanted to be like other girls who sneaked out of the house to attend night parties on the pretence that they were going to study/sleep at a friends’ place when I was in high school.

One day Alicia my roommate, a computer science student in her 2nd year invited me for a night party, at first I told her I could not go because I was afraid of what could happen there, that wasn’t the first time she was inviting me anyway and I had always turned her invitation down, but this time around I really did not have an excuse because it was just the first week of resumption of the second semester and no serious work had started. As I was still contemplating whether to go or not, her boyfriend Stanley came in with a friend named Steve.

Stanley greeted us and introduced Steve to me as his friend, Steve was a fourth year Psychology student, handsome, tall, with a very catchy voice and carriage, he looked like any girl’s fantasy or dream guy. He convinced me to accompany them to the party, assuring me that nothing will happen to me.

At the party I met other friends from my department, Steve and I were dancing and soon we got talking, he told me more about himself, his visions and goals in life, we talked at length and true to his word he didn’t do anything strange to me.

Soon after the party, Steve and I started dating, he started visiting me in my room, we would talk, hold hands or go to the eatery outside the campus together. At this point, I had stopped attending the Christian group meetings, I gave lots of excuse to those group members that came visiting, I was enjoying life and celebrating my freedom from my parents.

.(Check other stories and inspirational  articles on this blog: Who is Right for Me? THE MARRIAGE SHOE (Single & Searching Series)Single & Pregnant, Sex and Feelings, 4 things you MUST know before getting married  e.t.c go to the home page or scroll down to see some other articles) Remember to drop your comment.….continue reading

One Saturday, as I was coming back from shopping, I decided to branch to see Steve in his house, this was the first time I was visiting him alone after he proposed marriage to me some weeks back. He was so excited to see me in his room alone, I told him I just felt like seeing him and to give him something special I had bought for him.

We both sat on his bed as we talked; he started narrating all over again how he fell in love with me at first sight and so on… soon we ran out of discussion topics. He stopped and gazed at me with a very suggestive and seductive look, I managed to open a new topic for discussion, but he kept looking at me in the eyes, I felt a chemistry going on in my body, but I remembered how my mum had warned me against pre-marital sex … I decided to stand up, but he stood up too and held my hands and told me in a subtle voice “Rose I love you”. Those words echoed in my mind as if I had never heard someone speak such words to me in the past eighteen years of my life.

Before I knew what was happening, we started kissing and fondling each other. Something in me kept telling me what I was doing was wrong, but my emotions had overruled my right thinking; he gradually removed my dress while I was lying on the bed. I was still thinking well I will stop him from having sexual intercourse with me, but before I knew it, he took off my underwear, the rest is history….we had sex! I felt so ashamed of myself. A sense of guilt overwhelmed me, I just sat on the bed with my head buried between my hands! I had lost my virginity! I had lost my pride, I had lost my virtue, I felt really bad.

I made up my mind I would not allow it to happen again but the more I tried the more I fell into it, I couldn’t stop seeing Steve.

One day, as I was about entering Steve’s room, I heard people laughing out loud in his room; I overheard Steve telling one of them, “that babe is cheap”! He started narrating our sexual encounters and everybody started laughing. I turned back feeling so ashamed of myself.

The following day I saw Steve on campus in the company of another lady, my friend told me that was the new girl Steve was going out with. I confronted him and he didn’t deny it.

I got back to my room feeling the world was fast crashing on my head. I wept bitterly, I remembered how he took off my underwear the very first time I encountered him, I felt so naked and felt used. I remembered the warnings of my dad and mum, I remembered the warnings of my pastor … I felt really bad and wept sore. I asked God for mercy and forgiveness.

Months later, I felt so sick and was diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection. I was lucky it wasn’t HIV, but I went through hell before I was eventually cured of it. I missed some exams and subsequently had to spend an extra semester in the university.

.(Check other stories and inspirational  articles on this blog: Who is Right for Me? THE MARRIAGE SHOE (Single & Searching Series)Single & Pregnant, Sex and Feelings, 4 things you MUST know before getting married  e.t.c go to the home page or scroll down to see some other articles) Remember to drop your comment.….continue reading

Friends, stories like this exist everywhere, you remember the very day you or that guy took off your underwear to have sex! Something in you tells you what you were about to do is wrong, but you refused to listen, telling yourself one day you will stop and till date you have not stopped the sex game.

Hear what the bible says in 1 Cor 6: 16-20 “flee fornication, every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that commits fornication sins against his own body, what! Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God and ye are not of your own. For you are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God’s”

Anytime you engage in premarital sex, you get devalued because you lose virtues. You are not better off than a used item, like a half eaten apple. Why allow yourself to be used? Don’t allow any man taste or test you before he takes you to the altar of marriage, you are not a used car that needs to be test driven! The rule is “no sex before marriage and no sex outside marriage”

If a guy can’t wait for you, he doesn’t deserve you because true love waits. The fact that you are in a relationship or in courtship with a guy is not a license for him to sleep with you.

Your virginity is your pride, don’t lose it on the altar of sexual pleasure, or trying to use what you have to get what you don’t have, don’t allow your lecturers sleep with you because of marks, why will you allow your boss in the office, or your uncle or neighbor or friend take advantage of you? Why will you sleep with a man because of money or for whatever reason!

Song of Solomon 8:8-10 says “we have a little sister, and she hath no breast: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for? If she be a wall, we will build upon her palace of silver: as if she be a door; we will enclose her with boards of cedar”

In NLT version “we have a little sister too young, for breast. What will we do if someone assess her to marry her? If she is Chaste, we will strengthen and encourage her, but if she is promiscuous we will shut her off from men”

From the two translations, you will see that to be chaste is likened to a wall and to be promiscuous is likened to a door! …. A wall is a protection and is always standing, but a door opens and closes from time to time, so the question is “are you a wall or a door?”

Each time you go into sexual immorality, God is disappointed, in fact not just God; you also become a disappointment to yourself, your parent, your future spouse, your spouse parents, heaven, and your generation.

Hmnnn, Did I hear you say “I’ve not had sex before, I’m a virgin, but I masturbate!” You fiddle with your private parts, or you do it with other girls (lesbianism) and you think nothing is wrong? Know that all forms of sexual immoralities are sin against God, whether in actions or in your thoughts.

Romans 1:26-28: (26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient)

written by Paul Ojomu.

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Single and Virtuous – a must read for ladies