I’ve seen lots of young guys and girls gone through emotional stress and torture because of a broken relationship.
It is often said that a broken engagement is better than a broken marriage, true as that may sound, it’s not equally a palatable experience. The hurt is often so intense (depending on the length of the relationship and commitment) that it leads to mental instability in some people and in extreme cases has led to suicide.unbreak my heart
Several tips may help deal with a broken relationship (courtship) as singles, but the greatest cure is the power of God, Mechanics can fix a broken engine, Doctors can sometimes fix a broken bone, IT professionals can fix a broken computer, but only God can fix a broken heart! He is the maker, so it’s simple for Him to do the mending! Time may help in the healing, but complete and total recovery with forgiveness is only achievable by the power of the Holy Spirit!
If you are currently passing through the pains of a broken relationship; you’ve been jilted, cheated, dumped, deceived and manipulated, I want to announce to you that there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel. The bible says there is hope for a tree, even if its cut down, as long as the root is still inside the ground, at the smell of water, it will spring out again!, Cheer up, when there is life there is hope! You don’t have to admit that your world has crumbled, you are still very complete! (With Christ, you are complete in Him)
The guy/girl that disappointed you is simply not for you! God has the best for you, it’s a matter of time, you will have your own home
.(Check other stories and inspirational articles on this blog: Who is Right for Me? THE MARRIAGE SHOE (Single & Searching Series), Single & Pregnant, Sex and Feelings, 4 things you MUST know before getting married e.t.c go to the home page or scroll down to see some other articles) Remember to drop your comment.….continue reading
The following tips will help further.
- Don’t deny what has happened, accept the fact and face it in good faith.
- know that it’s ok to feel bad about the whole thing, express your emotions rather than bottling it up.
- Don’t go through it alone, talk to your good friends, family and your pastor about it, they can really be of help in times like this.
- Refuse to go into depression, sing your favorite songs, songs of praise, make melodies in your heart and don’t allow anyone steal your joy!
- Don’t dwell on negative thoughts
- Encourage yourself and speak positively
- Try to avoid the person for the time been if possible, until your heart is healed!
- Surround yourself with people that truly love you.
- Find out what might have gone wrong in the relationship, do a thorough, objective analysis, if you find out you were wrong, learn from it, and forgive yourself but if you believe your partner was wrong, don’t hate him/her, rather forgive him/her and know that you were not meant for each other.
- Stop calling him/her like you do before when you two were engaged.
- Stop asking people or following up on social media about him/her to know his/her next move.
- Get more committed to God, take part in your church activities, stay positive and act positive, the end of a relationship is not the end of life.Wish your ex well.
- Allow time to heal your heartbreak; don’t be in a rush to get someone else.
- Avoid the “no one is good syndrome”, open up yourself to meet new people; don’t conclude that all guys/girls are same. Don’t over generalise your experience,
- Engage in good exercise, it’s been proven that exercise helps to reduce stress by releasing serotonin, a chemical that is released whenever we are happy.
- Learn from your mistakes (we all make mistakes).
- Be more prayerful, cast all your worries on Jesus, seek to love Him more and more
- Remain a right person and expect to meet the right person.
- Take a good sleep.
- Don’t continue to brood and ruminate over the whole thing, it only aggravates your depression.
- Choose to be happy and move on with your life.
by Tramaine Hawkins
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