Did God truly give us a brain so we won’t disturb Him anymore?
It’s so common to hear these days … “Use common sense bro!”, “common sense is not common”,
laying emphasis on why you should apply common sense to resolve day to day life’s issues.
One of the things I discovered from the study of psychology was the contrast between some “common sense” facts vis-à-vis reality from both scientific and social research point of view.
Some popular common sense beliefs have been proven to be wrong! The fact that certain things are the norms (belonging to the pool of common sense) does not make them right. Sometimes our common sense prevents us from doing critical thinking about some issues.
“Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.” Albert Einstein, Physicist.
“Common sense is a very tricky instrument; it is as deceptive as it is indispensable.” Susanne, K. Langer, Philosopher.
Below are few examples of some common sense that were proven wrong based on research (culled from Social Psychology textbook by Saul Kassin & Colleagues)
Common sense: “Children do not tend to show biases based on race; it is only after they become adolescents that they learn to respond to people differently based on race”. Whereas research has shown that “Children learn about social categories quite early and use stereotypes when they are very young. Children show biases in favor of the racial in-group on both explicit and implicit measures”
Common sense: “People brainstorming as a group come up with a greater number of better ideas than the same number of people working individually” Whereas research has shown that “groups in which members interact face-to-face produce fewer creative ideas when brainstorming than the same number of people brainstorming alone”
Common sense: “People will cheer louder when they cheer as part of a group than when they cheer alone” Whereas research has shown that “people tend to put less effort into collective tasks. Such as group cheering than into tasks when their individual performance can be identified and evaluated”
Common sense: “When it comes to romantic relationships, opposites attract [behavior]” Whereas research has shown that “consistently, people are attracted to others who are similar”.
Common sense: “In an emergency, a person who needs help has a much better chance of getting it if three other people [or more] are present than if only one other person is present” Whereas research has shown that “in several ways, the presence of others inhibits helping” [it’s called the bystander’s effect]
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying all common sense is wrong, but the fact is that not all common sense is right as shown from the research above. You’ve got to engage critical thinking and analysis before taking a decision. To just take a decision by following the common trend can be a recipe for disaster!
Now let’s look at it from a different dimension, from the biblical and Christian point of view, I’ve heard so many people say that the reason why God gave us the brain is so that we shouldn’t bother Him (that again is another common sense)… before I go further on that, please note that “there is no matter too small to discuss with God and there is no matter too big to discuss with Him”, I’m not saying that you should ask if you should visit the toilet or not when you are pressed to do so…of course if you ask, God will not be angry at you…just that you may not get an answer” but the point I’m making is that when it comes to certain life’s decisions which you know that the result is consequential, even though you can think through it, you can’t boldly say: “let me not bother God with this, or I can handle it all by myself” what many of us don’t even know or we fail to realize is that some of the things we assume are coming from our brains are actually the Voice of God speaking to us… The bible says “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” Ephesians 3:20… If you are a Christian, at that time you are thinking about a solution, be aware that the Holy Spirit dwells in you and can influence your decision processes (the power that works within us), so when you come up with a very plausible idea, don’t acclaim the result to your ability to think or your ability to use your head, rather praise God for giving you such an idea… The bible again says “You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day” – Deuteronomy 8:18
So you now see that as a Christian (genuinely born again), your thinking is as powerful as your prayers (that does not mean you won’t talk to God anymore and the only thing you do is think….), If you understand what fellowship with God is all about then you will know that if you are in His presence you can discuss anything with Him. If you walk with the Holy Spirit then you will realize that He is ever with you, at school, work, field, anywhere and He is more than willing to help you on everything you are doing (even when designing a website or planning a business trip).
The case of Joseph was a clear case of how God can really help our intelligence, After Joseph interpreted the dream of Pharaoh, he also gave pharaoh the solution to the problem, of course, that wisdom transcends common sense! It was God at work in his life. There was no way Joseph could on his own power think it through!
Like I said earlier, I’m not saying you should switch off your brain cells when making decisions, neither I’m I condemning common sense, of course you know it makes good sense to sleep early if you don’t want to wake up late. what I’m saying is that know that there is a God factor even when you are using your brain… so don’t ascribe your success or great ideas to yourself (it will amount to PRIDE)… no wonder the bible says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths (proverbs 3: 5-6) … It again says I know, O LORD, that a man’s way is not in himself, nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps (Jeremiah 10:23).
So in conclusion, learn to depend on God when taken decisions in life, use common sense where applicable but don’t lean on common sense, don’t lean on your own understanding, DON’T MAKE COMMON SENSE YOUR SENSE BY DEFAULT rather, lean on God. Lean on the wisdom of God.
When you begin to use more of God’s wisdom rather than the wisdom of men in taking financial decisions, business decisions, choice of spouse, choice of career etc…You will realize that God can begin to give you great ideas that defeat the norms of our days… come to think of it, Elisha told the woman that was already in serious debt, to go and borrow vessels not a few… don’t you think the people might think what’s this woman up to again?….wants to borrow our vessels so she could sell and make money?… I’m sure you remember the story, she became an oil distributor! No human sense could deliver that woman from the bondage of debt except God’s divine intervention (2 Kings 4: 1-6)
Unfortunately, in our days we lay more emphasis on “OUR ABILITY” than “GOD’S ABILITY” we rather believe in ourselves than we believe in God to help us! Solomon in his wisdom concluded: “Again, I observed this on the earth: the race is not always won by the swiftest, the battle is not always won by the strongest; prosperity does not always belong to those who are the wisest, wealth does not always belong to those who are the most discerning, nor does success always come to those with the most knowledge–for time and chance may overcome them all” Ecclesiastes 9:11 (NET Bible). Again the bible says “those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strengths” Apostle Paul said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:3
We need to acknowledge the Grace of God that gives us wisdom and strength! Many are smarter than we are and are nowhere to be found today!
We often fail to see the invisible forces behind our visible world! May God open our eyes to see beyond what the common man can see!
Let’s yield our whole life to God! And begin to acknowledge God in all that we do!
That songwriter says: Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to thee…
Today you can accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior if you have not already done so.
God bless you!
Written by:
Paul Ojomu
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