This is a must read for singles and young couples. Digging deeper into relationship issues from Genesis where the first relationship started… articles; “…open eyes” “the Sin Problem” “the blaming game” and an x-ray of the first relationship.

The “Open-Eye” Generation!

Adam and his wife ate the forbidden fruit, and their eyes were “opened.” Were their eyes physically closed before? See what disobedience can cause! Their eyes are now “opened.” Friends, we live in the “open eye generation” where Obedience to the Word of God is seen as old fashion! Anyone that want to believe God for guidance in marriage and other aspects of life is seeing as not current and belong to the “old school.” They will tell you “shine your eyes.”

Young people are now flowing with the trend rather than trusting God for directions and guidance! May your eyes be closed to the views and perceptions of the world system! We need to go back to the scriptures if we must get it right in this generation! (Gen. 3:6)

The Sin Problem!

Satan’s main goal and target in the garden of Eden was to make Adam & His wife sinned against God through disobedience! Man fell as a result of sin. Man lost his position, the Devil deceived them that they will be like God, unknown to the man and his wife, they were already created in the image and likeness of God, so the devil only promised them what they already have, what a pity! Sin is a terminator of destiny, Sin is a separator, Sin destroys, ruins, and make one to be in partnership with the devil. Thanks be to God for His mercies, He sent Jesus (the second Adam) to die and redeem us from the power and penalty of sin! All that is required of us is to acknowledge that we are sinners ask for forgiveness and Accept Him as our personal Lord and Savior! You can do that today, even right now! (Read Gen 3:15 & John 3:16)

The Blaming Game!

When Adam and His wife were confronted about their disobedience! The blaming game started! The man blamed the woman, the woman blamed the devil (serpent), if it was possible the serpent too would have blamed God for planting the tree at the center of the garden! Shifting blame is so common in a marital relationship (as singles or married). The man is blaming the woman! If only I’ve married another lady, the wife is also saying the same; if you have not acted like this or that! The man is blaming the woman for making him cheat because she never appreciated him! Kids blaming their parents for not modelling a good relationship for them! Let’s stop the blaming game, lets examine and fix ourselves, then fix the problem! (Gen. 3: 11-13)

The First Relationship!

Do? Yes! You are desiring a good thing! God wants us to multiply and replenish the whole earth. But you know what? The first relationship you must develop is a relationship with your maker, the one that instituted marriage! God sent His son Jesus to redeem us. In order to establish a relationship with Him, you will need to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Take time to build a relationship with Jesus first, then it will be easier for you to build a godly relationship with your spouse. Note this: God cannot be the foundation of your home if Jesus is not at the center stage of your life!!! Be wise!
Read John 3:16.

God bless you!

Written by:
Paul Ojomu


Wisdom Pills for Singles! (Marriage Guide) Vol. 3